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Amazing Health Benefits Lurking Inside Nuts and Seeds

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Seeds and Nuts are an important part of your daily healthy diet.

The recommended intake of protein and the daily fat allowance can be achieved by these nuts and seeds.

They play a vital role in one’s health as they offer essential nutrients and also play a major role in the prevention of disease by maintaining your health as your age.


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Proven Benefits of adding NUTS and SEEDS to your diet:

  • Improves the Immunity system:

The most important immune system boosters are Zinc and selenium. These minerals keep your immune system strong and healthy. Most people are seemed to be unaware and hence deficient in these minerals. The trace mineral, Selenium which is not found in most of the foods, is found in huge numbers in nuts and seeds.



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  • Digestion:

A significant level of dietary fibre is provided by the seeds and nuts. Dietary fibre which is primarily associated with the matters concerned with the digestion have a significant effect on one’s health. The food which is moved through the gut and the peristaltic motion is stimulated by the dietary fibre


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  • Protects the Heart Health:

The previously discussed omega-3 fatty acids which played a crucial role in improving the immune system are the good form of cholesterol required for the body. Most of the seeds and nuts consist of these fatty acids. The inflammation in the body and blood vessels are reduced significantly, by balancing the cholesterol level. The plaque which is built up in the veins and arteries greatly increase the chance of having heart stroke.


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  • Teeth and Bones health:

The key materials like phosphorous, calcium, copper, selenium and zinc are supplied to the body by a handful amount of seeds and nuts.  The age related diseases like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are prevented by the nuts and seeds. It also takes cares of the health of your teeth. Brazil nuts, chia seeds, sesame seeds and pecans are the best choice for healthy bones.



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